Know why India is a "Democratic" nation rather than a "Freedom" nation?



  We call it as India got independence

           The year 1947, India got their independence and front rolls toward production of our own needs. Every rules regulation began to take place, according to citizen's understanding and problems, and finally they were issued. There are certain other nations made hand to hand relation with India to withstand. Glories were made ,success in hand , and that's the time when every Indian poets ensures in their writings that every single individual of  'Hindustan' should have a dream or goal in their life to achieve.
           Later on this became a habitat for those who deserves and suppresses to freedom and who want to take a step towards enlightenment. This is not only a country , it's the country of pride, culture, and a home of brotherhood. 
          As the time grows on, India raised it's nation to next level on several different fields of talents, economically, socially and culturally. Remember the days in mid 20th century, there were no threatening, cheating or robbery among themselves . But as the days past every citizen want a life of comfort and luxury, which created a competition among us and failure made a violence attitude without understanding the cause.

Fights among Us

This short of small independence to every individuals also made a re-back with a negative side face in the society ,because competition can make a man to take a negative convenience way to succeed which may harm others for his did. This country can't hold its previous name Hindustan and got the nationalism as India. This is a country of 1.37 billion of minds ,due to this huge population growth production companies are somewhat failing to reach our needs. So, our anxiety and ego broke the brotherhood and stepped into a Democratic Nation which determines the dependence of one other. As well as it frightened minds of having political believes. This type of all ingenious activity kept women backward in society.


Why only women? Why we do it? Why we cant protest? Why changes created devils among us? Why power overcomes the faith? Why only women? 
Is everything starts with POWER or KNOWLEDGE?
Is it a country with Freedom where every human have their own independence to live?
'India', the name remains same but the society fades its beauty and here's nothing to blame someone else blame yourself. Every brain of human is not like a man kind, if you love something then you should care for it. Love is not a word neither an instruction, it's just a feeling which everyone doesn't feel. You might be shocked by seeing this listing of crimes in India.

We prefer to have a society with a friendly neighborhood and a society where understanding will be a main theme to propagate. Threatening is just like a curse to have Freedom, it need to be stopped, we were hurting ourselves and breaking the laws to give birth Female Infanticide. This kind of mischief is a crime and done only by power and to get forceful satisfaction. Women have the rights to convey and enjoy their freedom.
They are also a human being they also wants to work, go out, play and show their talents. We were giving this opportunity but being a weak personality some steps back due to this illegal treatment created by us. If ever man can understand the real pain and adversity, then only,  they will be same as we do. We hurting our nation, our culture and our motherland.         
We just dont think anymore, we prefer pratical stressfull work more than any mental work. We misbehaved and we need to rectify our faults. Forget the politicians, be trust worthy and support others that will create a neighbouring nature in our personality. Parents will not get worried any further if we make our decisions positively without geting distracted to any punisible offence.
The victims can take steps on the culprit which can be most undeserable opposition, that he will regret whole life. 
Now women are brave, can fight for their did and have a voice to protest. Many of the female freedom fighters were still immortal in our heart, they all shown their work and progress and make a similar relevant to man. 


This is India, We need to take care of this society and to support our country towards development, and can only be done if we all think in a determined way and have passively nature. That will be the day when we all will stood up and say "THIS IS INDIA MY FRIEND" 

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